IRIE FM is once again pleased to announce its tribute to Mwalimu Marcus Garvey.

As we gather to honour the legacy of Marcus Garvey, a towering figure in the struggle for social justice and civil rights, we are reminded of the enduring power of his message: the fight for dignity, equality, and the inclusion of all voices in the decisions that shape our future. 

Under the theme “Social Justice and Civil Rights: We Have a Voice, Include Us in the Decision-Making Process,” this tribute not only reflects on the past but also challenges us to engage in the ongoing struggle for justice and equality. It is a call to recognize the vital contributions of all members of our society, particularly those who have been historically marginalized and silenced.

In honouring Marcus Garvey, Irie Fm recommits itself to the principles of justice, inclusion, and equality. We recognize that true progress is only possible when every voice is heard, every perspective considered, and every individual afforded the opportunity to contribute to the collective good.

We chanted in 2022 to remove the Monarch as Head of state, in 2023 we demanded to put ourselves in charge of ourselves and this year as we observe the closed door discussions on constitutional reforms we chant, “Social Justice and Civil Rights: We Have a Voice, Include Us in the Decision-Making Process,” in keeping with Marcus Garvey’s words “Before you can have a government you must have the people.  Without the people there can be no government.  The government must be, therefore an expression of the will of the people.”

Let this event serve as a reminder that the fight for civil rights is far from over. As we reflect on Garvey’s legacy, let us also look forward with determination and resolve to continue the work he began. We must ensure that our voices are not only heard but are integral to the decisions that shape our communities, our nations, and our world.

The 2024 Marcus Garvey Celebrations on August 18 kicks off at 6am with a live outside broadcast from the grounds of IRIE FM, of the Africa Forum “Running African”. This will feature lively discussions while capturing the festivities on the ground to include drumming food and general lyming.

An hour of African music by Mutabaruka will be followed by speeches and this year we have incorporated a Poetry Corner which features several of Jamaica’s top Poets.
This year’s Speakers include Pan African Attorney at Law Bert Samuels, Youth Representative on the National Reform Committee Sujae Boswell, Author, Teacher and Trinidad and Eastern Caribbean representative of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the nation of Islam Dr David Muhammad, Chief of the Accompong Town Maroons Richard Currie, Chair of the UNIA Kingston Division Steven Golding, Councillor Eugene Kelly, Mayor of St Ann’s Bay Michel Belnavis

There will also be a Marcus Garvey Tribute concert with performances by the Ras Ivie and the Nyabinghi Drummers, Kingston Drummer as well as the Accompong Town Town Maroons.

The event culminates with a live stage show starting at 6pm and will feature the likes of Keke I, Yaksta, Duane Stephenson, Mackie Conscious, Jahdon, Sativa Di Black 1, Teflon, Hezron, DYCR, Anthony Cruz, Loyal Flames, Majah Bless, Bongo Herman, Wise Words, Wesrok and more

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