In the wake of Hurricane Beryl’s devastation, the Miss Universe Jamaica Organization, led by the compassionate reigning title winner Rachel Silvera and contestants from this year’s pageant, embarked on a heartfelt mission to support the St. Elizabeth Deaf Community on Sunday, August 11, 2024. This vulnerable community, comprising approximately 300 residents in Ridge, St. Elizabeth, is a vital part of Jamaica’s Deaf population. 

The initiative was particularly close to the heart of MUJ top 15 finalist Michalia Cowan, who has a personal connection to the community as the daughter of a deaf mother and a native of St. 

Elizabeth. Michalia’s passion for supporting the Deaf community stems from her desire to alleviate the daily challenges they face, especially in accessing critical information during national emergencies, such as natural disasters or health crises. 

With empathy and dedication, the team pooled their resources and garnered public support to provide essential supplies, including cleaning materials, food, household items, and first aid 

equipment, to the St. Elizabeth Deaf Community. The handover ceremony took place at the Deaf Community Center, where additional supplies were donated to aid in the facility’s much-needed 


MUJ 2024 Rachel, strongly believes in giving back as it highlights how “Interconnected human beings are. It acknowledges how our personal wellbeing is deeply intertwined with the wellbeing of 

others, which explains the fulfillment we feel when we contribute to the greater good. The giving of oneself transcends self interests or desires, it is our God appointed duty. In giving back we break down barriers and cultivate compassion which is essential in creating a more equitable Jamaica 

and universe.” 

Meanwhile, for Michalia “Supporting the Deaf community in St. Elizabeth after the hurricane is not just about providing relief; it’s about reaffirming our commitment to inclusivity and understanding. The Miss Universe Jamaica group’s interaction with this resilient community highlights the 

importance of cultural exchange and the power of learning from one another’s experiences.” 

The St. Elizabeth Deaf Community Centre, a vital hub for the community, has been struggling with termite damage, compromising its structural integrity, and requires urgent electrical repairs. Unfortunately, the centre has faced additional challenges due to repeated break-ins, resulting in 

the loss of valuable resources. 



The Miss Universe Jamaica Organization’s selfless efforts demonstrate their commitment to national development and their dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of others. This mission was a resounding success, bringing hope and relief to the St. Elizabeth Deaf Community and showcasing the power of compassion and unity. 

According to Karl Williams, Co-National Director, “This trip to the very important community of Ridge, St. Elizabeth speaks volumes about our mandate in action. We are not only about the glamorous side of the pageant, but here we are enhancing lives through beauty. We thank all the players involved, but in particular, we would like to extend sincere thanks to Swift Car Rentals and its team who provided transportation for the group and supplies to travel to St. Elizabeth.” 

The MUJ team, extends our heartfelt gratitude to Michalia for her exceptional coordination efforts in collecting and distributing commodities to those in need in Ridge. 

We also wish to express our sincere appreciation to Celine Deidrick, Dr. Sandra Swaby, and Kimberly Duffus, our 2024 MUJ contestants who contributed generously despite being unable to join us in person. Your collective efforts have made a tangible difference in the lives of the recipients, and we are deeply thankful for your kindness. 

To those who not only contributed but also accompanied us on this mission, we offer our sincerest thanks. Your selflessness and dedication have ensured that everyone who attended received essential items, with additional resources available for wider distribution to those who were unable to attend. Your compassion and commitment to giving back to the community are truly inspiring. 

All media inquiries and interview requests should be directed to Mr. Shannon-Dale Reid, who can be reached at 876-304-1076. 

We appreciate your interest and look forward to speaking with you. 

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